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March 12, 2002 - 11:35 p.m.

I think I am breaking the record for most consecutive entries wrote in a day. And I'm not sure why.. But you see, I can't very likely go to sleep. Why, you ask? Why? I will tell you. It is raining here. And don't get me wrong. I <3 rain. I adore it.. it's beautiful stuff. Buuuut.. when it rains, the dripping makes this insanely loud noise outside my window, therefore distracting me from sleeping. It never did this before. But now, I'm back.. And it's doing this. Why the hell is it doing that? Damn you, repetitive ticking! Stop!

Ah, and yeah.. I was thinking about odd words. And "huzzah" is indeed an odd word. I've seen this word around.. And I guarantee you, it's an odd one. What is the meaning of it? Where did it originate? Why do people say it? Is it a good thing to huzzah? Or is it bad? Hmmm.. I wonder.

So, yeah, I went to the Afroman official site.. And I think this guy is hilariously funny. I wanted to copy and paste his biography, but it's all Flash Macromedia, so I couldn't copy nor could I paste. So go read it.. Because I find it funny. I may, indeed, download Because I Got High. He influenced me that much. I wonder if this is one of those occasions where you yell a great, big "huzzah".. is this where you use that odd word? Also, his pictures were funny. And I correct myself, he's not *originally* from Hattiesburg. He's from Los Angeles.. And he went to Hattiesburg to further his music career or some such. Am I missing something? I thought you went to L.A. (well, more there than Mississippi) to pursue such careers? Anyhow, the Mississippi thing did work.. he made it there. Apparently, some "fat chick" (or something like that.. I haven't read the biography in a while..) called him Afroman and he said something to the extent of, "okay, yeah, my name's afroman.. sounds good".. Is that odd or is that odd? Wow.. People. *shakes head* People are weird.

Speaking of people being weird, I think I hate most of them.. Like, not any of you kind and decent readers.. But like, you know, real people.. that I see. I hate them. They piss me off... And I hate them. For the most part. I mean, God.. most people are just.. SO retarded. Stupid. Dumbasses, even. And I know that's rude of me. But you see, I don't care right now because it's 11:43 and I'd love to just go to bed and sleep, but you see, I can't very well do that because the rain it keeps tapping.. LOUDLY.. And I can't get any relief.. Isn't that a line from a song or something? I'm thinking it is.. But I can't think of the song.

So yes, I'm listening to Patience still. And I mean, what a great song. A damn good song, at that. I adore you, Guns N Roses. I doubt very heartily that you guys are reading this. But if you are, Slash, I adore your skillz. And Axl, I adore your ability to create extra syllables in words. Only a true rock star/musical genius could do that and get away with it. And your dancing.. it amuses everyone who watches it. Like in the video for Patience, for example.. it's cute. Every time I see it, I go, "ooohh!! AXL DANCE!". I made my brother watch your video, you know.. and I was like, "isn't his dance cool?" And I also commented on when you drive your bitch ass girlfriend over the cliff, Slash. I did. And I said, "isn't that cool?" Actually, your driving her off the cliff was more like "fucking BAD ASS", but I couldn't very well say that around an 11 year old, now could I? Though I'm sure that's something like you would say, Slash, and that amuses me.

Yes. I'm aware I just had a non-existent conversation with Axl and Slash (and why leave Duff and Izzy out? Hello, non-existent Izzy and Duff), but I'm delusional. I'm tired. And I'm being weird. I think I'm allowed to be weird here, of all places. *chuckles* I mean, we all know this is MY diary... and I think it's my right.

Anyway.. *giggles* Forget that silly mess. I'm sure my mom will be asking in our next conversation why I was "on the computer all night".. and I'm not/wasn't/won't be.. and I'll say, "you see, mother, I wasn't on ALL night." and if that doesn't work, I'll just tell her that I left it on to download music and went to sleep as it downloaded. But that's pretty much true.. because I do that. Sometimes.. And then I turn the computer off.. And go to bed. Yeah.

Anyhow.. Have you noticed that it's mainly girls and gay guys who keep their committments with DiaryLand? I mean, look at Andrew. He created the whole thing for crying out loud. And if he isn't gay, I don't know who is. I mean.. his site's done in pastels.. He has a mascot.. And he calls this Mascot "Constable Whiskers" because he is a cat. Isn't that gay? How many straight guys do you know who are doing such things? Am I just not aware that straight guys do it? Is it like cross-dressing, meaning it's a predominately straight activity? Ahh.. who cares? I don't. I'm a-okay with all things gay. Whoo! I just made that up. And I thought it sounded cool. I'm not anti-gay.. I really am not. But I'll change subjects because I don't want to get too redundant.

Redundant.. that's a funny word. It sounds kinda weird. Okay, really weird.. Like.. hmm.. I kinda get a mental image of Crocodile Dundee.. what a creepy guy. I mean, Australia's good.. but.. yeah.

I'm still listening to Patience, by the way. I think I want to change songs.. Maybe. If I wasn't so sure, I could just put on that live version of Patience that I downloaded and then it'd be different, but still the same. Hehehe.. isn't that creative of me? Okay, not really.

Gee.. what *do* I want to listen to? Aside from Patience, I mean... Umm...*goes to browse her music folder* I chooooose.. Rivers of Babylon by the Melodians. It's funky, I'm with it. Whoo! Reggae is fun stuff. I'd like to get into more of it. And that, I will. You know, aside from just Bob Marley. Though I adore Bob Marley. Speaking of Bob Marley, Manifest had this black and white poster of Bob lighting a joint and I loved it. And I think they sold it.. 'cause last time I was in there with my dad, it was gone. HOW COULD THIS BE?!? Dammit.. somebody went and bought my poster. But you know, they had an ultra-cool poster of Jack Nicholson from one of the coolest movies ever, The Shining! I saw it.. mentioned it to my dad. And my dad said, "yeah. I saw it already".. I guess he was preparing himself for more of my lunatic ramblings on random greatness. I guess I may have too many obsessions.. Whoops. Let's see.. Here are all of the obsessions I've had over the years:

The British Royal Family

Ben Folds Five

Jump, Little Children (three years, baby)

Jimi Hendrix


The Shining

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Barenaked Ladies(shut UP!)

The United Kingdom

old, scary Bette Davis movies


KITH (still.. like some of the others on this list)

Jane's Addiction

Porno For Pyros

Perry Farrell

Fiona Apple

Stevie Ray Vaughan (still love Stevie.. as with the Jane's/P4P/Perry stuff)

Guns N Roses(still.. of course..)

The Yellow Submarine (I cannot tell you how much I adored this movie)


Metallica (not anymore.. *grumble*fucking sellouts*grumble, grumble*)


froggies, lizards, and turtles (oh my!)

Cabbage Patch Kids (when I was a child, mind you)

Powerpuff Girls

Spongebob Squarepants

Good Lord.. I can't blame my dad.. I *do* have/have had WAY too many obsessions.. Gee.. I didn't think it was quite that bad.. Yet.. I never really faced my obsessions like I have just now. *sigh* That's sad. It probably means I'm destined to become, like, a stalker or something. But then again, it probably doesn't. I'm probably just overreacting because of that fucking irritating tapping sound. But then again.. yeah. I'm weird. Smile and nod.

Did you ever wonder where I got the term "smile and nod" from? I bet you didn't, but nonetheless, I got it from my friend Michelle.. Because Michelle has said that phrase ever since I first became *really* good friends with her (I was 13.. aww.. 5 years of her being my best friend!! And she's not sick of me yet! YAY!). And since I've known her, it's become MY thing, too.. not to copy her.. just because.. well.. things like that occur when you hang around someone long enough.

Okay, I'm changing MP3s again. Because Rivers of Babylon just doesn't have the staying power of Patience right now. But maybe some other random MP3 will.. Like.. Ummm.. Hmm.. Patience. Shut up. It was the only song that I still felt like listening to. Who cares if I've listened to it a billion times already tonight? It's a fun song. It's come on both when I was in the car with my dad and when I was in the car in my mom.. And both times, we've sang along to it. My dad doesn't like Axl, but I won't hold that against him because some people just don't find his badass attitude funny/cool like I do. My dad thinks, more or less, that he's a dick. And I defend Axl. I'm like, "But.. Dad.. he *can* be a bit.. rude.. but it's funny. He's a badass.. And he rules." Anyhow.. we were singing.. And I love that part where they all start singing and Axl starts off on his little solo.. You know.. "I've been walkin' the streets tonight..." Ahh.. God. I love that song. Yes. I think I am now obsessed with it.

On a different note.. I love my lava lamp, but I've never had one before, so sometimes I worry that it's doing something odd that it isn't supposed to be doing.. And oh God.. if there's something wrong with my lava lamp, then I'll be very angry! Or.. I'll just, you know, return it and get another one. That works too, you see. I'm like a mother with a newborn baby, except instead, it's a freaking lava lamp, people and I shouldn't be that worried over it!!! But I'm odd like that. And that's alright. I guess.

Boy, this sure is tiring me out now.. I guess I'll stop. 'Cause it's 12:15 now.. and.. Yeah. I'll stop.



"I need you.."

~Patience; Guns N Roses.. No.. I don't need anyone in particular.. except for, well, JeiAr.. but still.. that's where I was in the song (for the billionth time) and why not quote where I'm at? Oh, and for the last time, I'm really not odd. I'm just.. distracted by loud noises outside of my window. Damn you, you loud tapping sound, damn you to hell... uhh.. right. I'm good now.. I think.

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