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March 12, 2002 - 11:18 p.m.

Thank YOU!!!. I, too, thought it was a great picture of Slash. And that, in turn, is why I wanted to share it. And I wasn't aware I had such a kind reader as to load it to THEIR page and let me post it. That was sweet. I owe you... or something. ;)

anyways.. isn't that a great picture?? Doesn't Slash just fucking rule? Yes, yes he does.

And by the way, I'm listening to Patience again. I think I'm becoming obsessed with this song.. And it's completely unintentional.. I don't know how the whole thing got started. Yet.. It did. Ah, Guns N Roses, I love you.. Rock on. Damn, I wish I could play guitar.



"all we need is just a little patience.."

~Patience; Guns N Roses

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